Media: Pen on Paper
Year: 2020

It was not at all easy for anyone of us to get used to the sudden drastic changes in our regular life brought by the lockdown due to Covid-19 Pandemic. Some of us are just lucky to have all the family members together with them during this highly uncertain time! These pen sketches are just some of my attempts to visualize some of the moments of home quarantine of myself and my family. This lockdown managed to provide my parents some free time as none of them had to go to the office; they spent the time either by watching TV while having a cup of tea or just playing their favorite board games. They usually don’t get any time at all for themselves so it was a relief watching them getting out of the loop of the crazy busy schedule they were stuck in. Well, for me it was a great deal of struggle to get used to this unusual situation. Added anxiety together with sleeping irregularities ultimately leading to insomnia made it really hard to get any of my works done. It is all just chaos inside the head trying to choose between whether to try and catch a breath or just keep being busy to forget the fear of unknown. Dhaka, Bangladesh | April, 2020